
Welcome to Plasma! We’re very excited to see you adopting our stack, and we hope you too are excited to be working with the modern and future-ready technologies in Plasma: Solid (+ Solid Router), Tailwind CSS, PocketBase.

📝 Getting Started

To start developing a fully customizable Plasma app, run the following command:

npx degit teamxynlab/plasma/templates/basic my-plasma-app

You can find and use more template apps here.

🚀 Our Underlying Tech

Plasma consists of 3 primary technologies:

⚡️ Project Structure

Here are the important folders and files in your standard Plasma app:

├── backend/
├── src/
|   ├── assets/
│   ├── components/
│   ├── routes/
│   ├── App.tsx
├── utils/
└── └── pocketbase.ts

backend/ contains the executables to run your PocketBase instance for different operating systems.

src/assets/ contains your static assets (e.g. images).

src/components/ contains your custom reusable components for your app (e.g. card.tsx).

src/routes/ contains the .tsx files defining your routes. By convention, the / route is defined in the home.tsx file, the /about route is defined in the about.tsx file, and the /about/me route is defined in the /about/me.tsx file.

src/App.tsx is where you add the routes of your Plasma app and define any elements to be shared across your entire Plasma app.

utils/pocketbase.ts contains the definition of your PocketBase instance.

📝 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server for frontend only
npm run dev:linux Starts local dev server (frontend + backend) for Linux users
npm run dev:macos Starts local dev server (frontend + backend) for macOS x64 users
npm run dev:macosarm Starts local dev server (frontend + backend) for macOS ARM64 users
npm run dev:windows Starts local dev server (frontend + backend) for Windows users
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/